Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Guide Posts

I am presenting this to you because you need to know what some of the people are thinking. It is completely alien to what we think about but nevertheless it should be studied to some extent to understand their thinking.

Now all this number stuff I believe is the result of the Jewish teachings brought into Christianity by the Jews.� It is, in my opinion directly from the Kabbalah; where the Jews say that the world was created by numbers. And by the En Sof yet it was not created by the En Sof. How is that for convoluted thinking; but that is the idiocy of the Jewish Rabbis way of thinking.

So as you read this don�t for a moment think that I condone this but is merely my attempt to show you the �other side of the story.�

In an article entitled �By Chance or Design?� four major periods were shown as ending on March 1-2, 1965. Since then a further three such periods have been observed ending on that same date. Now that we have passed this terminal ending, it will be of interest to see what happened.

1). From Russia�s surrender to Germany in World War I, 60 x 286.1 days were shown ending March 1, 1965. Since 286.1 represents �displacement,� did it bring about something of that nature for Soviet Russia? Upon opening the Daily Telegraph on March 2, we noticed one of its leading articles headed, �An Era Ends In Moscow,� which went on to say:

�The so-called �Communist unity� conference that opened in Moscow yesterday is a set-piece that demonstrates for all to see, the full extent of Russia�s loss of leadership in the World Communist Movement. (Meaning that many of the leading Jews had either died off or were assassinated)...

�The Conference...has turned out to be victory for China...

�Nor is China content with a defensive victory; she has exploited Russia�s discomfiture to the full with a diatribe denouncing the new regime...So far as World communism is concerned, the modest little meeting in Moscow rings down the curtain on the days when parties and individuals could be serve Russia�s national interests.�

In short, Russia�s leadership in World Communism for the time being, appears to have been �displaced� by Communist China. Hence, we can complete the connection thus:

Germany������������������������ Russia�������������������� An Era

Makes War��������������������� Surrenders������������� Ends in

on Russia����������������������� to Germany������������ Moscow

1914������������������������������ 1918����������������������� 1965

August��������������������������� March��������������������� March

�� 1290 Days (Solar).........60x286.1 Days......

It is of further interest to recall that on the same chart showing 60 x 286.1 days from Russia�s surrender to Germany in World War I to March 1, 1965, a period of 1290 s9olar days from August 1 to March 1, 1965, a period of 1290 solar days from August 1, 1961 to March 1, 1965 was also indicated. In view of the foregoing information from the Daily telegraph, the news of August 1, 1961 from United States sources is particularly significant:

�Khrushchev asserted on August 1 (1961) that the USSR had enough military power to repel any attack on the Soviet bloc. Speaking at a Kremlin luncheon in honor of Rumanian CP First Secretary Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Khrushchev said that �no provocations can change the course of history or are strong enough to divert the...Socialist countries from the path they have chosen.� He added: �We decisively warn all lovers of military adventures to behave wisely and remember that we have all the necessary means to cool off your heads.��

Before the month of August 1961 ended, Soviet Russia had resumed nuclear tests and boasted of possession of a superbomb.

2). The starting-point in this case is an important event connected with the Roman Catholic Church; the promulgation, by the Pope, of Rome�s New Dogma of the Assumption of the virgin Mary Into Heaven, on November 1, 1950. Now this fell 4 x 1290 days after an outstanding date in the Great Pyramid, viz., the entrance into the King�s Chamber, known as the Hall of the Judgment of the Nations:

Entrance of��������������������������������������������������� Rome�s

King�s Chamber��������������������������������������������� New Dogma

1936�������������������������������������������������������������� 1950

September����������������������������������������������������� November

16������������������������������������������������������������������ 1

.......................4 x 1290 Days...................

From thence, twice 1290 days (solar) ended on January 1, 1958, the day the Treaty of Rome came into force, upon which the European Common Market is based. A further 1290 days (solar) ended August 1, 1961, on which the Daily Telegraph leader began:

�Britain Knocks at Europe�s Door�

�In its whole history, except perhaps in wartime...Parliament can have heard few pronouncements more momentous than the Prime Minister�s yesterday...�The Government,� said he, �has decided to apply formally for membership of the European Economic Community...We cannot simply SIGN THE TREATY OF ROME on the dotted line.��

A further 1290 days (solar) would end March 1, 1965:

Rome�s�������������������������� Treaty��������������������� Britain�s����������������� ?

New���� �������������������������� Of Rome� Momentous

Dogma��������������������������� in Force������������������ Decision

1950������������������������������ 1958����������������������� 1961����������������������� 1965

November���������������������� January������������������ August�������������������� March

�������� 1������������������������������������ 1����������������������������� 1����������������������������� 1

............2 x 1290 (Solar)...............1290 (Solar)..........1290 (Solar)......

....................................4 x 1290 Days (Solar)...................................

For the benefit of readers new to the subject:

1290 days = 43 prophetic months of 30 days.

� ������ 1290 (Solar) = 43 Solar months = 3 years, 7 mos. (13083/4 days).

We will consider what happened on March 1, 1965 presently.

� �� The Bible periods serve not only as time measures, but they are identification marks as well. For example: In the Book of Daniel, 1290 is given as the period of the �abomination that maketh desolate� (Daniel 12:11); which, in His Olivet prophecy, Christ referred to in connection with the worst-ever tribulation that is to precede His return:

�When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)...then shall be great tribulation, such as was not....nor ever shall be.� (Matthew 24:15, 21)

What will come to pass when this �abomination� is seen? Are we given a clue?

In the Book of Revelation, where the �great day of God Almighty� is described in terms applicable to a great world war (Revelation 16:14), it is said that then �Great Babylon� will be remembered �before god, to give unto her the cup of wine of the fierceness of his wrath.� (Revelation 16:19)

���� In the next chapter, a prophetic portrait is given of �Mystery, Babylon the Great, described as �the MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.� (Revelation 17:5) This of course is describing Judaism. Later in the chapter we find that John was told:

�The WOMAN which thou sawst is THAT GREAT CITY WHICH REIGNETH OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH.� (Revelation 17:18) The city supreme in John�s day was, of course Rome. Hence, the Woman-Babylon must represent an ecclesiastical system centered on Rome; Judaism.

But the �Woman� is described as the �Mother of Harlots� and the term �harlot� in the Scriptures is used to denote idolatry. Therefore, the Woman-Babylon must be an idolatrous system based on Rome. �Thou shalt have no other gods before me,� state the Divine Law. �Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.� (Exodus 20:3-5)

One form of idolatry most strongly condemned is the �worship of the queen of heaven.� (Jeremiah 44:17-19) It was because the JEWS COMMITTED THIS �ABOMINATION� THAT THEIR LAND BECAME A �DESOLATION.� (See Jeremiah 44:22) Now after proclaiming the New Dogma on November 1, 1950, the Pope later instituted the Feast of the Queenship of the Virgin. In his Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop wrote years ago:

�If Rome be indeed Babylon of the Apocalypse and the Madonna enshrined in her sanctuaries be the very queen of heaven, for the worshiping of whom the fierce anger of God was provoked against the Jews in the days of Jeremiah...every one who trembles at the Word of God must shudder at the thought of giving such a system..the least countenance of support.� (Page 91)

In the final judgment upon all aspect of Babylon the Great, Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, will be made �desolate� and will burned �with fire.� (Revelation 17:16) Until twenty years ago, the following prophecy of Esdras was an enigma:

�The great and mighty clouds shall be lifted up full of wrath, and the star (central fireball), that they may make all the earth afraid...And they shall BREAK DOWN THE CITIES and walls ...And they shall GO STEADFASTLY UNTO BABYLON...the star and all wrath shall they pour out upon her: then shall the dust and smoke (of Babylon) go up unto heaven, and all they that be about her shall bewail her.� (2 Esdras 15:40-44)

From this we realize that the agency to be employed in Babylon�s desolation is atomic power.

Grattan Gunness maintained that the development of the Latin, or Roman, Church was completed in 663 A.D., when Pope Vitalian decreed the exclusive use of the Latin tongue in the offices of Divine worship throughout Christendom. (Approaching End of the Age, 1881, p. 624) Soviet Russia exploded her first hydrogen bomb 1290 years later:

Vitalion�s ������������������������������������������������������ Soviet Russia

Latinizing������������������������������������������������������ Explodes

decree����������������������������������������������������������� H-Bomb

A.D.������������������������������������������������ A.D.

663������������������������������������������������ 1953

..............................1290 Years................................

In The Domination of Babylon, David Davidson stressed the commercial aspect of Babylon (Revelation 18), as well as the political and religious aspects. He also emphasized the years 669-673 A.D., as a time of extreme importance for England.

Pope Vitalian, whose one aim appears to have been unification, was determined to unite the infant English church with Rome. To accomplish this he chose Theodore, a man of forceful personality, whom he consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury. Upon arriving there, in 669 A.D., Theodore at once set about the task and, within four or five years, succeeded in bring the English Church under Roman Domination:

England��������������������������������������������������������� Attempt to

United������������������������������������������������������������ Reunite England

Under������������� � �������������������������������������������� Under

Papal Rome��������������������������������������������������� Papal Rome

A.D.������������������������������������������������ A.D.

669-674��������������������������������������������������������� 1959-1964

............................1290 Years........................................

Notice again the 1290 time-mark!

For centuries, with the Bible in Latin, England remained in spiritual darkness. Then, soon after its translation into English, came the Reformation. The break with Rome occurred in two states; first the political break in 1529-1534; then the religious break in 1559-1564. Thereafter, for nearly three hundred years, until the passing of the Catholic emancipation Bill, in 1829, England�s �door� was barred against Rome.

Then, a few years later, the Oxford Movement was launched, designed secretly and subversively to belittle Protestantism and restore Roman rites and practices. So successful has it been that now, 120 years later, Protestantism, to all intents and purposes, is dead. During the past few years the pressure to reunite Britain, politically, commercially and religiously, to Rome has been intensified.

A final exodus from bondage for Israel is fore-shadowed in the Book of Micha (Micah 7:15). The first came at the end of �four hundred years� from one starting-point (Genesis 15:13), and at the end of �four hundred and thirty years form another. (Exodus 12:40-41) Is not the following significant?

England��������������������������������������������������������� Exodus

Breaks����������������������������������������������������������� To Follow

With Rome����������������������������������������������������� Bondage

A.D.������������������������������������������������ A.D.

1529-1534��� 1559-1564���������������� 1959-1964

������������������������� �������..................400 Years.............

����� ...............................430 Years...................

Strange, is it not, that, whereas the ecclesiastical break occurred in the reign of Elizabeth I, the attempt to reunite England with Rome is being made in the reign of Elizabeth II? The coming Exodus will be full and final; and maybe sooner than we think.

After this somewhat lengthy digression, let us see if anything relevant occurred on March 1, 1965; four times 1290 days (Solar) after the promulgation by the Pope of the Dogma concerning the Virgin Mary. In The Times of March 2, 1965, an account was published of the Service held the previous day in the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Westminster, to mark the return from Rome of cardinal Heenan after his elevation to the Sacred College.

The congregation of nearly 3,000, very interdenominational, included the Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, Sir Edward Boyle, representing the leader of the Opposition, and Mr. Grimond, the Liberal leader. The arrival of the Cardinal, vested in the cappa magna, was heralded by a fanfare of trumpeters of the Household Cavalry! In place of an all-Latin service, the prayers were in English; while the sermon was, in part, a plea for closer union. �Ecumenism,� said the Cardinal, �was unfamiliar to theologians until a few years ago. Today, however, it is part of the normal outlook of intelligent Christians everywhere. It should spread from the church to the nation.�

What do we make of all this? The presence at the Service of the English Prime Minister, and other national leaders, the part played by the trumpeters of the Household of Cavalry; all this was evidence of a closer approach to Rome on the part of Britain. Its significance, however, lay in the fact that the event occurred at the end of a chain of periods, marked by �desolation,� from the date of the New Dogma:

New Dogma������������������� Treaty��������������������� Britain�s����������������� Britain�s

of Virgin������������������������ of Rome����������������� Momentous������������ Draws Closer

Proclaimed�������������������� in force������������������ Decision� to Rome

1950������������������������������ 1958����������������������� 1961����������������������� 1965

November���������������������� January������������������ August�������������������� March

1������������������������������������ 1����������������������������� 1����������������������������� 1

...2 x 1290 (solar) ...................1290 (Solar)................1290 (solar)....

....................................4 , 1290 (Solar).............................................

3). We are indebted to Mr. Roger Sandel for the following:

Infallibility������������������������������������� Bolshevik������������������������������� ?

Decree������������������������������������������� Revolution

1870���������������������������������������������� 1917��������������������������������������� 1965

July�������������������������������� November������������������������������� March

18�������������������������������������������������� 7-9������������������������������������������ 2

.............60 x 288................................60 x 288..........................

.........................................120 x 288 Days.................................

The �beast� upon which the Woman-Babylon was seated was �full of names of blasphemy.� (Revelation 17:3) the assumption of Divine attributes is blasphemy Christ said: �I am...the truth� (John 14:6); �Thy word is truth.� (John 17:17) For the Pope to declare himself �infallible,� as he did on July 18, 1870, was an act of Blasphemy.

Students of Great Pyramid chronology will recognize 2888 as the factor of restoration. Mr. Howard Rand drew attention to it some years ago in his Testimony in Stone, p. 136. Since 120 is the period of �warning of judgment,� the above charted 120 x 288 days from the Infallibility Decree, ending March 2, 1965, is very suggestive. Dies it not warn the watchmen of the nearness of judgment preceding restoration?

4). To another valued collaborator we are grateful for the period below, the significance of which needs no emphasis. Taking as a starting-point the outbreak of World War II, Mr. E.J. Parkinson found that twice 153 solar months would end March 1-3, 1965. Would the latter date be marked by something in the nature of hostilities, and so comply with the Law of Terminals?

An American White Paper then declared that the trouble in Vietnam being due to the deliberate and �flagrant aggression� of North Vietnam, a new phase had been entered. Mr. W.C. Nabors has drawn our attention to the following facts:

On March 2: �More than 160 American and South Vietnamese planes attack a naval THE BIGGEST RAID AGAINST COMMUNIST NORTH VIETNAM.

On March 2: �Furthermore, a mob attack on the United States Embassy in Moscow took place, protesting against the March 2 attack.�

On March 3: �American bombers and jet fighters continued their attacks on suspected Viet Cong targets.�

World War Ii������������������������������������������� Vietnam War

Started��������������������������������������������������� New Phase Starts

1939������������������������������������������������������� 1965

September��������������������������������������������� March

1-3���������������������������������������������������������� 1-3

As 153 is the number of the �elect,� March 1-3, 1965 here seems to be another signpost to alert God�s people (the Elect) to heed our Lord�s admonition to watch.

5). Our thanks are due to Mr. E.C. Brayne, of Mombasa, for pointing out in February that 71/2 x 2300 days from Jerusalem�s surrender on December 9, 1917 would also run out on March 2, 1965. As 2300 is Daniel�s period for the cleansing of the �sanctuary,� undoubtedly the term �sanctuary� covers Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

On March 1st, Egypt was reported to be calling up its Armed Forces Reserves; on the 3rd, a brief air battle between Israeli and Egyptian planes was fought over Israel�s southern border. But an article, entitled �The Shadow Over Israel,� which appeared in The Daily Telegraph on March 26, was very disquieting. In it Eric Downton, recently back from a visit to the capitals of the Arab States which encircle Israel, told how, in all of them he heard �grave talk of the possibility of a major clash within a few months.� While Arab rulers do not want war, he said they insist that �Israel must be destroyed.�

Jerusalem�s������������������������������������������� Storm Clouds

Surrender����������������������������������������������� Over Palestine

1917������������������������������������������������������� 1965

December���������������������������������������������� March

9������������������������������������������������������������� 2

..................................7 x 2300 days..............................

In a recent article (The Deepening Twilight, by J. Bernard Nicklin, Destiny, Third Issue 1965, pp. 54-56) it was shown that prophetic students regard the 2300-period, reckoned in solar years, as starting from the first three years of the reign of Alexander the Great in 336-333 B.C., when he utterly defeated the Persians. This, then, will expire during the years 1965-1968:

Alexander���������������������������������������������� ?

Conquers Persia

B.C.�������������������������������������������������������� A.D.

336-333�������������������������������������������������� 1965-1968

.....................................2300 Solar Years..............................

And �then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,� says the prophecy. (Daniel 8:14) I don�t think this is true at all because I can not see how a bunch of murder dogs like the jews being in Jerusalem has cleansed the sanctuary.

6). In a letter dated July 15, 1963, addressed to the writer, Mrs. Dorthy Price, of Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia, wrote:

�Watching March 2, 1965, for ten years has enabled one to put the date in its right perspective, as you will see on the accompanying sheets.� Among several interesting periods she had noticed was the following:

Jerusalem�s��������������������������� Washington ��������������������������� ?

Surrender������������������������������� Declaration

on Defense����������������������������� 1965

1917��������������������������������������� 1954

December������������������������������ June��������������������������������������� March

9��������������������������������������������� 28������������������������������������������� 2

..............10 x 1335 Days.......................10 x 390.........................

�Do you not think this definitely points to the House of Israel? She asked. On June 28, 1954, Eisenhower and Churchill, representing Manasseh and Ephraim issued a statement on Western Defense at the end of their Washington Conference. In Ezekiel 4:5, a period of 390 days is specifically given as a measure of chastisement for Israel. Considering the cold war and various crises then experienced by Britain and America, this 10 x 390 days, as a time measure, does appear relevant.

However, other prophecies show that modern Israel�s power is to be broken at the end. For instance:

�Their foot shall slide, in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand...For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that THEIR POWER IS GONE.� (Deuteronomy 32:35-36)

�When he shall have accomplished to scatter (break in pieces) the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.� (Daniel 12:7)

In Isaiah 7:8, a period of 65 years is the measure given for the BREAKING of Ephraim; and as 65 is the sixth part of 390, the above period can be expressed as 60 x 65 days. But �Ephraim� stands for Britain (which is what most people believe but we believe Britain is Manasseh not Ephraim), and her colonial power has been broken during the past ten or eleven years so that only a small remnant of her Empire now remains:

Washington�������������������������������������������� Empire

Declaration�������������������������������������������� Broken

1954������������������������������������������������������� 1965

June������������������������������������������������������� March

28����������������������������������������������������������� 2

.................................65 Years...........................

Sixty-five years can be divided into two periods of 29 years, plus two 31/2 years, thus:

1936������������� 1965������������� 1969��������� 1972

September��� September��� March������� September

16����������������� 16����������������� 16������������� 17

.....................29 Years.................31/2........31/2........29 Years......

..........321/2 Years.............................321/2 Years.........................

Mr. Douglas White, from another source, is impressed by the importance of 1965 as a 29th year; while Mr. William Goyder sees 321/2 years as the �Christ period.�

Another point may be worth noting. March 1-3, 1965 is just 1260 days (Solar) prior to September 1-3, 1968, when, according to the Great Pyramid, Israel�s displacement from God will be overcome. Will the purpose of the �breaking� be accomplished by 1968-1969?

7). Our final period ending March 2, 1965 is one involving Britain�s Throne; the Throne of David. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned on June 2, 1953 and 15 �displacements� from thence ended March 2, 1965. The breakup of the Empire has been a time of loss of royal prestige and power. Nevertheless, the setback will be only temporary, for from March 2, 1965, 10 x 1335 days will end on September 17-19, 2001. Ponder the connection:

Elizabeth IISignpost of����������������� End of Pyramid�s

Crowned����������������������� Great Import���������������� 6,000 Years

1953����������������������������� 1965����������������������������� 2001

June����������������������������� March��������������������������� September

..................................15 x 286.1..................10 x 1335......................

..................................................7 x 2520 Days.................................

While the overall time measure of 7 x 2520 days from the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II to September 17-19, 2001, suggests the length of chastisement, the measure of 10 x 1335, from March 2, 1965 to the measure of 10 x 1335, from March 2, 1965 to the latter date, foreshadows the completion of blessing.

Reference Materials